History of dog shelters

Dog Shelters History


1824: The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is formed in Britain, giving birth to an organized welfare group for dogs. This sets the foundation for a shift in people’s perspective about dogs.1866: The SPCA makes its way to the US. Henry Bergh forms the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Most people ridicule and oppose him, or simply show indifference towards animal welfare, but the ASPCA continues to grow.1869: The very first official animal shelter in the country is formed by the Women’s SPCA of Pennsylvania.1877: The American Humane Association is formed.1954: The Humane Society of the United States is formed.1960s and 1970s: Private animal shelters are formed in addition to the municipal ones available in an effort to bring in strays and find them homes. Public opinion about strays starts to shift and people begin to view them as potential pets rather than public health hazards.

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